After checking into our hotel starved, we wandered around a little last night looking for someplace to eat that is vegetarian friendly. One thing I have been so worried about with living here is that I am vegetarian. One would think that Japan would have lots of "healthy" vegetarian friendly food, but in actuality, most of their food contains some type of meat or seafood. After passing by multiple restaurants we finally came across a Hard Rock Cafe with veggie burgers on the menu :) And it ended up being the best veggie burger I've ever had. Almost all the food we've had here (including from the last trip we took in November) has been very good--much better quality than many of the restaurants in the U.S., and there is a very good variety of restaurants here. So far we've experienced Japanese, Thai, standard American, and Hawaiian. We've also noticed French, Italian, and many other types of restaurants to choose from. Sometimes it's just good to know we have lots of options to choose from if we're in the mood for something really specific.
Chris is off at work already today (our 1st full day in Yokohama). I'm in the hotel, emailing, typing away, realizing it's time to start really thinking about how I'm going to schedule my time while I'm here. Chris has a very full schedule ahead of him--working full time and a quarter left of classes before he can graduate (classes taken remotely online). The next few months for him are going to be crazy. My schedule on the other hand, is wide open. Some might be envious, but honestly, I've had the "wide open schedule" before, and it gets old very fast. If I don't have things to do that are scheduled everyday, I kind of get pulled into doing really random things--like surfing the web most of the day. Honestly, a few days of that can be great, but any longer and I start to get really frustrated with a lack of scheduled time and my time feels waisted. So, I need to have some sort of schedule for my time and figure out where a "job" will come from. I also want to get back into hobbies I really enjoyed that have been put on the back burner for awhile. And that's partially what I'm spending today doing: thinking about what I want for the next year, or hey, just the next month.
Here are a few pics we've taken since yesterday.
off of the Yokohama Royal Park Hotel.
View from our hotel room at the Yokohama Royal Park Hotel. Lots of city!
Tomorrow we move into our new place! Check back for pics of our place with boxes and bags everywhere and our new place in disarray! (Or maybe I'll wait to post pics till everything is put away...)