Well, we just got back home from the airport about an hour ago after 48 hours of travel from Thailand!
So quick entry, and then some sleep!
We decided against being bused up north to the military base thinking there would just be way too many tourists trying to get out of there. So we were very lucky to find an open flight on expedia out of Kuala Lumpur to Singapore and then to Tokyo. We did have to pay for the flight, and if we had been bused to the military base it would have been free, but who knows how long it would have taken to get back to Japan with no confirmed flight and what the conditions would be like there. Seeing an article or two about what tourists are dealing with at the military base (with waits, confusion, etc) makes us very glad we decided to go south instead.
How are 48 hours of travel spent?
2 hours by boat
4 hours by van #1
1 hour waiting for van #2
4 hours by van #2
2 hours at the Malaysian border crossing
2 hours waiting at a bus station for our midnight bus
7 hours by bus #1
1 hour by taxi
3 hours waiting in the airport
1 hour flight
12 hours waiting in the airport
7 hour flight
2 hour by bus #2
Time for some more sleep!