Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Keep Walking

So I had my first Japanese lesson today! My teacher is a really nice middle-age woman who has been teaching Japanese privately for the past six years. We went over some basics, I was given a book to learn from, and my next lesson is Monday. Chris should be starting his Japanese lessons soon as soon as they can find someone who can work during the hours he in available.

Chris is doing well at work. Things are going as smoothly as can be expected. He has an hour commute each way from work (yes, 2 hours round trip a day :P), but he gets some time in the morning to read on the train or listen to his Japanese podcasts. (Japanese podcasts are free Japanese audio lessons he can listen to on his way to work on his ipod) He ends up getting home a bit after 7 every night. I'm trying to get him to write in the blog :) at least a short bit of something. We'll see, maybe sometime soon when things aren't so hectic for him.

Chris is taking classes now too. Three classes! One robotics class and two seminars. One seminar is really interesting: "How to start your own business." I've even watched a couple of these seminar classes with him. They've had CEO's of start-ups come in and talk about how they got their start in their business. Very interesting and useful stuff too! He has homework due Friday in his robotics class, which his professor only recently posted online, so he has lots to do as soon as he gets home from work. Only a couple more months to go though and he's got his M.S. in Electrical Engineering! We're both very excited. School will be done for both of us! ::crossing fingers::

I spent a couple hours or more walking today--exploring a little more of the area.

Japanese Graffiti

Walkway to get to the 100 Yen store (dollar store) and Sports Authority

Brick buildings with stores and restaurants and outdoor ice skating

Filming crew and crowd of people

I think they were filming a commercial. You can play the video below to see.